RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 33

Title: Zombie Tramp # 33
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Jason Martin
Co-Written & Created by: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: Marco Maccagni
Colors by: Melek Koc
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Dan Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, Maccagni, Celor
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: The Kaiju Queen wants Miss Very to retrieve the Demon Dagger of Samaria aka the Dagger of Souls. AS she is on her way Miss Very finds her way blocked. She uses her magics to clear a path. Miss Very is also known as Xula. There is a lot of fighting going on but it needs to be illustrated better to show off the action.
Near the end, we see Xula drawn with a lovely wicked expression. She is the Voodoo Queen.
Seeing all the demons and priests and creatures is great and having Xula battle them is good but why is she doing so? To get a dagger for Kaiju Queen but why?
There is a lot of evil shown here. It would be nice to see it shown and used better. Why is this going on?

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