RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 27

zombie-tramp-27-risqueTitle: Zombie Tramp # 27
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written, Created: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: Marcelo Trom
Colors by: Marcelo Costa
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, Chang, Trom
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Warning: This book contains prison exploitation, conjugal visitations, and zombie frustrations.
Janey Belle she is enjoying getting a beat down from the prison guards. Than again when the Warden visits her. She smiles as she gets beat, why well because she knows what is coming.
You have to see how huge her breasts are. If she was not an undead zombie she would have tons of back problems.
As some female prisoners attack Zombie Tramp well things do go as you might expect them to. All hell breaks loose, plus gore and blood erupt. As she gets warmed up we are treated to a full page spread of Zombie Tramp topless. The smile on her face says I am the evil one. Its feeding time.
This issue ends with one pissed off Zombie Tramp. People are going to die horribly. So make sure to come back next issue to see it all.
Janey is one zombie you do not want to mess with cause she will mess you up.
Zombie Tramp is bad to the bone and oh so lovable.

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