Title: Zombie Tramp # 26
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written, Created: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: Marcelo Trom
Colors by: Marcelo Costa
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: Mendoza
Variant Covers: Mendoza, McKay, Jarro
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: This book contains tortured pimps, angry wardens, and one undead sex-pot that gives zero !$#%$ about any of it!
Janey Belle, Zombie Tramp is just sitting down all covered in blood and completely nude. She does look good. She is illustrated with huge breasts and big nipples. Having her all covered in blood and her enjoying that fact that she is a killer does show her sadistic side. She is also drawn with one cute butt.
Janey goes to prison to break out her father. How will he react to seeing her as a zombie? Well her dad does love her as much as she loves him.
Janey has everything going as planned for her prison break.
Zombie Tramp has attitude and she can back it up. This babe is beautiful, sexy, dead and she will make you dead if you get in her way.