RICH REVIEWS: Zachariah Thorn # 1

Title: Zachariah Thorn # 1
Publisher: Indigo Comics
Creator/Writer: Scott Reichert
Penciler: Bonkz Seriosa
Colorist/Designer: Robert Reichert
Price: free online
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: The comic starts out like a dream. Zachariah is with a woman he loves. The colors look amazing here. The nude woman is illustrated gorgeously. Zachariah has some nicely done shading on his face.
The story line is not made clear. Zachariah is taken home to another country by someone who is not alive. Exactly why is not explained. Plus who is this not alive person? How does Zachariah know him?
Zachariah, it turns out is some kind of monster hunter. The demon he faces here is a frightening mass of tendrils. Things do get exciting as the action picks up.
It would be nice to know more about the characters and especially Zachariah Thorn as he is the star of this comic. There are way too many questions left unanswered.
Zachariah Thorn as a demon hunter does work it just needs to be presented better.




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