Title: Xena: Warrior Princess # 2
Publisher: Dynamite
Written by: Meredith Finch
Illustrated by: Vicente Cifuentes
Colored by: Triona Farrell
Letterer by: Cardinal Rae
Cover A by: David Finch & Triona Farrell
Cover B by: Vicente Cifuentes & Triona Farrell
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Xena still has guilt in her over her actions from when she was an evil warlord. She was a merciless killer. Her army was just like her to. Xena still has these memories within her.
You can see the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle right away. Xena is harder and tougher while Gabrielle is more caring and more feminine. Gabrielle is also annoying.
Calisto is drawn as a beautiful evil woman and she wants Xena. as you see her you know trouble is coming.
As Xena and Gabrielle continue on their way to Athens their journey gets more interesting. Watching Xena fight a couple of cyclops is entertaining. These cyclops are big and not overly bright. It is funny as they try to think.
The outfits of Xena and Gabrielle do fit the period setting.
The issue could have used more excitement. The chats between Xena and Gabrielle were not all the deep. Gabrielle has not learned to listen to Xena which creates problems.
Xena the Warrior Princess is a character that anyone who loves sword and sorcery tales and a good strong female lead will be sure to enjoy.