Title: WWE Then. Now. Forever. # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Dennis Hopeless, Ross Thibodeaux, Rob Schamberger and Derek Fridolfs
Art by: Dan Mora, Rob Guillory, Rob Schamberger, Daniel Bayliss and Derek Fridolfs
Cover Artists: Matias Bergara, Dan Mora
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: The Shield; Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns make up the Shield.
A day in the life of the Shield. A BBQ turns sour. Seth is acting weird but he still saves Dean when he has to. The Wyatts are the Shield’s foes this issue.
This issue shows Seth’s departure from the Shield. It is a intense moment.
The art does display the characters wonderfully. It captures the personalities of the real wrestlers.
“The New Day’s Optimistic Odyssey” The New Day are running a Summer Camp. From there believe it or not they travel way back in time to when Ric Flair was young enough to be wrestling dinosaurs. A young Rick Flair I know that is way back in time.
The art is fun to fit the story and the New Day.
“Then. Now. Forever.” WWE Wrestling can and does inspire. A young girl looks to her heroes in the ring and wants to be just like them. She might be one day. The art style has a photo quality with pastel colors.
“Tug Team” Tugboat is a big sailor type guy. His Tidal Wave Splash is a powerful move. The art style is cartonish and adds some nice fun to this book.
WWE SDCC 2016 exclusive one-page comics. These focus on one wrestler per page such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, John Cena and many more. The pages in art and writing capture the personality of each wrestler.
If your a WWE fan you will love this. Even if your not it is an entertaining comic book.