Title: WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Special # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writers: Lan Pitts, Kevin Panetta, Ryan Ferrier, AJ Styles & Michael Kingston
Illustrated by: Rodrigo Lorenzo, Dominike “Domo” Stanton, Kendall Goode, Daniel Batliss
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Cover by: Xermanico
Variant Covers by: Juan Doe, Rob Guillory
Price: $ 7.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: “To Be Number One” Ric Flair is the WWE Heavy Weight Champion. Here with Bobby the Brian and Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair is on top of the world. The other two want him to know that he may need their help to stay there. It is a well-told story just that it is depressing in the way it is brought across. The art does a great job of bringing these characters to life. You will have no problem recognizing them.
“Mr. Royal Rumble” The New Day are always having fun. Kofi has had some unique ways of not being eliminated during past Royal Rumbles.
“Not Show King” The Ultimate Warrior is after the Macho Man. These wrestlers are drawn with over the top muscles. The art is to flat here and it is on the side of cartoonish. These two wrestlers do have a fun chase scene.
“I Am Phenomenal” AJ Stiles is shown and written as you expect him to be. Well, he did write this story himself. Here him and John Cena have a little chit-chat. AJ is here to beat everyone and will do what it takes. AJ is phenomenal.