Title: WWE # 5
Publisher: BOOM! Comics
Writers: Dennis Hopeless, Ross Thibodeaux
Illustrated by: Serg Acuna, Rob Guillory
Colored by: Doug Garbark, Taylor Wells
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Cover by: Dan Moira
Variant Covers by: Jamal Campbell, Marco D’Alfonso, Adam Riches, Brent Schoonover with Colors by Nick Filardi
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: Dean Ambrose comes across as a regular guy who is just a little off his rocker.
It is great to see so many WWE stars: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Charlotte Flair, Sasha “The Boss” Banks all these wrestlers are drawn to match up with their real-life counterparts. They look and act just as you would expect.
Dean and Brock get into it in a hard knockdown fight. These two really do tear each other apart. The funny thing is Brock is in the right.
Dean Ambrose is done perfectly here in character and illustrated just as he should be.
“The New Day’s Optimistic Odyssey Part Four” It’s unicorns vs the New Day. These are evil unicorns and they are going to be hard to defeat even for the positivity of the New Day. The art is exaggerated and funny. The unicorns have an evil look but are still drawn funny looking.