Title: WWE # 11
Publisher: BOOM! Comics
Writers: Dennis Hopeless, Mairghread Scott
Illustrated by: Serg Acuna, Tim Lattie, Rodrigo Lorenzo
Colored by: Doug Garbark
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Cover by: Dan Moira
Variant Covers by: Aaron Dana, Rahzzah, Adam Riches, Brent Schoonover/with Colors by Nick Filardi
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Roman is in Europe with some other wrestlers. He is not in a good mood. He is looking for a fight.
All the superstars of wrestling you see are illustrated beautifully and they are easy to identify which is which.
John Cena tries reasoning with Roman Reigns which of course with these two big tough guys leads to a brawl. These two are in all-out action against one another.
Roman does show here he can fight and deliver what is best for business. HHH may not like him but he respects his talent, his in-ring presence.
“Viper” Randy Orton faces Erick Rowan in the ring. Randy does spring into action in the ring and he shows us that a bigger and stronger opponent is still just the next RKO waiting to happen.

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