Title: Willie Nelson: A Graphic History (GN)
Publisher: NBM
Written by: T.J. Kirsch
Illustrated by: Adam Walmsley, Jeremy Massie, Jason Pittman, Havard S. Johansen, J.T. Yost, Coskun Kuzgun, Jesse Lonergan, T.J. Kirsch
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.nbmpub.com
Comments: “Hill County, Texas” Willie loved music from a young age and found out he could make money from it. Willie spends some time in the Air Force and then goes back home. There he meets a girl. The art beautifully captures the time setting. The characters are portrayed so that each one’s character comes out.
“A Humble Picker” Willie and Martha marry fast and for her at a young age. He ends up having a baby, and he keeps pursuing his musical career. He finds out that he has no luck finding a job. Here, the art has a cute style to it.
“Country Willie” Willie is going full bore trying to make it in the music business. He now has three kids to provide for. The art here is vague and pasty. Willie chooses no other jobs just music.
“Austin, Texas” At the Grand Ole Opry Willie gets his break and he works hard. Willie’s marriage ends and so does his next one. His career has taken off though. The art here is simple with nothing about it to stand out. Willie was becoming more religious and also he had gotten into pot. The faces could use more characteristics on them. Willie’s fourth child is born.
“Honeysuckle Rose” Willie gets into acting and excels at it. Willie had it all just it did not last. The art has a slight cartoon look to it.
“Elder Statesman” Willie was doing good he owned several houses and was enjoying life. Then Willie Nelson Jr. committed suicide. Then the IRS charges him with owing them millions. He also had some good happen and he continued to perform. The art here improves right at the end and it is memorable. Willie Nelson is a great man a legend even.
“Epilogue” Willie loves what he does and we Willie.
“Bonus Content” Lots of good stuff here.
Willie Nelson is just a man and so much more.