Title: Wild’s End # 6
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Created by: Dan Abnett & I.N.J. Culbard
Written by: Dan Abnett
Illustrated & Lettered by: I.N.J. Culbard
Additional Material by: Nik Abnett
Cover by: I.N.J. Culbard
Variant Covers by: I.N.J. Culbard, Dani Strips
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: Skip and Bernie are making the lighthouse as the aliens approach. These three aliens go all out as they attack the lighthouse. They blow it apart and rip it to hell.
Roddy and Flo are distracting an alien. Eddie and Thom meanwhile are still driving the truck with the explosive on it. Thom is the detonator for the bomb. He is a senile old man yet still knows what he is doing. As the aliens return and one attacks Thom he stays with the bomb long enough.
The characters are wonderfully done and each one stands out in its way. There is excitement but somehow it is done in a subdued manner.
The aliens are designed as walking lamp posts. This design is never explained. It does though add an interesting look and aspect to the comic.
A few unexpected things happen in this final issue. The ending may not be what you expected yet it is fitting. Humans, anamorphic animals acting as humans, will fight against invading forces. People want to be free and if you take that away they do not give up easily. They do not give up at all they fight on as long and hard as they can even the nonmilitary, the common people will fight for their rights.