RICH REVIEWS: Whisper of the Woods

Title: Whisper of the Woods (GN)
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer/Artist: Ennun Ana Iurov
Letterer: Micah Myers
Price: $ 19.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: In Transylvania, Romania Vlad a teenager is missing. He went into Hoia-Baciu a haunted forest. His best friend goes looking for him. He finds out at a village the Iele are out looking for men.
This friend is not given a name. A third of a way a girl just knows his name without it ever being told to her. It’s Adam but how does this villager know that? A mistake in the writing? Soon after another girl calls him Doamne. Doamne in Romanian means lady yet Adam was referred to as a boy earlier.
The art style has the characters drawn without noses. It is a manga style and has a creepy effect when it is necessary to the story.
The friend is warned of the danger yet still stays to find Vlad. Adam continues his search and the more he sees the creepier it gets.
One man has an Iele in his basement. Adam is afraid and he does not believe in the supernatural yet in the forest a creature finds him. A naked beautiful woman whom it is easy to tell is much more than that holds him as she does what? Is it real, a nightmare, or something else? The story does draw you in so you want to know what is going on.
Then we see Adam attacking a guy and then the lady of the woods appears the Iele and what happens next is left to your imagination. Too much is left for you to guess at.
Mysteries are great, yet you need some answers and explanations to know what is happening. The art fits the story and atmosphere created. The Lele has a beautifully illustrated body and you can feel the evil in it.

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