Title: Voracious: Feeding Time # 5
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Markisan Naso
Art, Cover, Lettering & Design by: Jason Muhr
Color Art by: Andrei Tabacaru
Flatter: Cristian Darstar
Voracious Created by: Naso & Muhr
Variant Cover by: Markisan Naso & Andrei Tabacaru
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: Contains dirty words and dire flashbacks
Grandma Maribel looks back on her life and also to the present and future hoping for Nate to be safe.
Nate and Gun and a intelligent dinosaur cop are all teaming up to catch a dinosaur gone insane.
The illustrations of dinosaurs are outstanding. The variety of dinosaurs you just have to see and the way they are made into more human looking creatures is truly amazing. Nate’s new suit is very hi-tech in design.
You will see many things in this comic that you have never seen before or are likely to ever see again.
Now what could be better than dimensional time traveling and dinosaurs well this issue does you will just have to see for yourself as this arc building up to a finish that will wet your appetite for more.