Title: Vincent Book Two: Heartbreaks and Parties 101 (GN)
Publisher: Super Genius/Papercutz
Creator/Writer/Artist: Vitor Cafaggi
Translation/Lettering/Editing/Design: Jeff Whitman
Price: $10.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.supergeniuscomics.com, www.papercutz.com
Comments: This book is full of anamorphic characters.
Vincent starts this issue off with a sad heart as he was dumped by his girlfriend. Aw, the poor thing. He does go on with his life. Just life seems to be against him. Vincent still keeps thinking about Princess his ex. Sometimes it is hard to get over someone and when you can not find someone else to replace them even harder. The ups and downs of a relationship.
Vincent is starting college and what he thinks about most is college babes.
The way Vincent acts you will be able to emphasize with him. His college days do slowly pass by with not all that much happening. Vincent does get to see Princess again and she has found time apart does make the heart grow fonder.
The art is cute illustrating these anamorphic animals. The colors are subdued.
Vincent’s love life has its ups and downs. When he is with a girl he is so in love. When he is not he still thinks of her. He has a huge heart. You will be able to identify with Vincent and all he has going on. You will find yourself rooting for him. He is a great guy and those he falls in love with are special to that is why he falls for them. Vincent though is not all that lucky in love but maybe just maybe things can change.