Title: Vamplets The Undead Pet Society: Beware the Bitemares! # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created by: Gayle Middleton
Written by: Gayle Middleton
Art by: Anna Lencioni & Penny Gaylord
Colors by: Laur Rea
Letters by: Dave Dwonch & Justin Birch
Cover Artist: Amanda Coronado
Variant Cover Artist: Gayle Middleton
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This world where being a monster is normal does have unique problems. Bitemares nibble on baby’s feet so they sleep well with nightmares. Now they are gone.
The tale of how the Bitemares came to Gloomvania is one of adventure with a weird twist to everything.
Ms. Destiny Harper, now she has her hands full looking after the Vamplets, the baby monsters. Without the Bitemares the Vamplets are much harder to look after. Destiny Harper has gorgeous legs. The Bitemare Queen now she is a cuddly monstrous creature that wants her babies back.
As Destiny and her friends and the Vamplets flee you will be amazed at all the strange creatures they encounter that here in this world are normal.
Story ending leaves you with questions unanswered. It is, for the most part, a cute story with an adventure. Destiny needed to be used more in this issue. More focus on the characters as needed and not just on the story.
The characters are so cute.