Title: Vampirella Vol. 4 # 8
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Artist: Andy Belanger
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Cover: Philp Tan & Elmer Santos
Variant Covers: Jorge Fornes, Cosplay Photo Variant, Jimmy Broxton
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Before the comic starts there is a write up to let you know what has gone before and this is needed or you would be totally lost.
Grit the cat is getting mentioned. A cat that went to Hell and back is something of interest. He may be dead though.
Vampirella is a killer here. You do not want her in a killer rage after you. She does act calmly yet you can tell she is sheathing inside. Attack her and her friends and die it’s as simple as that. Or is it maybe not. Things are weird here in the future on this Earth.
Vicki is a girl Vampirella is shown falling hard for. She also cares for the cat Grit.
Ellie as a short form for Vampirella. That sounds awful.
So Vampirella thinks of herself as the hero here even though most of the world hates her.
This comic is like a version of Mad Max. Nice chase scenes and nice harpooning.
Vampirella or Ellie looks like a little dark elf or something. She is written tough but the art really does not bring that across. She is not shown sexual at all. She is shown as a tough as nails woman who fights back hard.