Title: Vampirella Vol. 4 # 11
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Artist: Rapha Lobosco
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Cover: Philp Tan & Elmer Santos
Variant Covers: Stephen Segovia & Elmer Santos, Cosplay Photo Variant, Jimmy Broxton
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Vicki may not seem the brightest yet here she fools everyone. She comes up with a plan to save them all. Will it work it seems unlikely.
Pantha and Vampirella are nothing like what past incarnations portrayed them as. Pantha has become one mean SOB. She is sadistic and power hungry.
The narration in bold red lettering will have you wanting to skip to the bottom of the page just to read it. When it changes to purple lettering the narrative person changes too.
The art could be done to match the characters better. In this future, though there is not that much chance to really show off the characters to their full potential.
God well God is illustrated in a style that does bring across God’s personality of being God.
Aw as this issue nears its end you will not be able to help but feel joy this is the end for now and love conquers all.