Title: Vampblade # 8
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created/Written by: Jason Martin
Artwork by: Marco Maccagni
Colored by: Marcelo Costa
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover by: Winston Young
Variant Covers by: Winston Young, Andrew Mangum, Hyde Chang, Jason Martin
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: This book contains a home-wrecking kill-crazy space-worm-possessed Katie Carva!
Vampblade is given a cool description here a big booty S&M girl with two giant bladed weapons.
Katie is possessed and out to kill the silver armored space alien. When the alien’s family is threatened she pushes herself harder. Her facial expresses are over the top and leave no doubt she will stop at nothing to protect her family.
Their fight and what they are to each other is not explained well enough. Neither are the glasses that allow a person besides Vampblade to see the Glarkians.
What appears at the end is weird and strange and will have you wondering what is coming next.