Title: Vampblade # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created/Written/Colored by: Jason Martin
Artwork by: Winston Young
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover by: Winston Young
Variant Covers by: Winston Young, Jerry Gaylord, Dan Mendoza, TMChu, Andrew Margum, Simon Bisley
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: This book contains In-Your-Face girl on other-dimensional parasite action!
She is a mild-mannered comic shop manager by day psycho cosplaying Slayer by night??!!
Vampblade‘s swords have a beautiful blue glow about them as we first see her. You will notice that right after you notice her butt sticking out at you. Her costume is an S&M style black skin tight outfit.
Does Vampblade have a unique never before seen way of taking out her costume.
Now as Vampblade is adjusting to being Vampblade she notices some customers that have weird scary things in them.
The story does not have a lot happen in it and some things need more explanations. The art could have shown Vampblade off better.
The brief nudity was nice to see.
This issue is a good introduction to the character and leaves some mystery for future issues.