RICH REVIEWS: Us Two Together

Title: Us Two Together (GN)
Publisher: Pennsylvania State University Press
Author/Artist: Ephameron
Translated by: Michele Hutchison
Price: $ 29.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This book is about a daughter’s love for her father and how they both deal with his progressive dementia. The preface is well written and leaves you with no doubt Ephameron has experienced this first hand. You will feel for her.
Ephameron is thinking about her father. The art is simple yet it delivers a potency about the real-life suffering a daughter has. This is such a sad story. We see Ephameron trying to understand what is going on to make sense of a senseless situation. The artwork does let you into the lives of this family.
You do get to learn about dementia and what it does to a person.
Here in these pages, you will feel how it actually feels to have to deal with this dementia. The fact that the father is still himself even though he is changing is clear. He is forgetting yet still he does things to remind others of who he is.
Ephameron is such a loving and caring daughter who does what she can for her father.
Having the preface is needed or you might not catch on to what is going on. With it, you do know exactly what is going on.
Ephameron delivers an emotional book that anyone who has ever had a fatally sick relative or lost a relative can identify with. This book beautifully presents an awful situation.

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