RICH REVIEWS: Unpopular Tales Vol II: Pinochia # 1

Title: Unpopular Tales Vol II: Pinochia # 1
Publisher: Unpopular Comics
Cover: David Benzal
Artist: Claudio Sanchez Viveros
Writer and Editor: Christian Douglas
Translations: Unpopular Studio
Layout: Juan Alarcon
Corrections: Sonja Kinsey
Price: 12 €
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Pinochia is traveling a post-apocalyptic world. As she wonders we get looks back on her training. She did get a lot of training on how to survive and fight.
Pinochia meets a couple of other robots/androids. Ishtar, Little Man, and Lex these robots seem harmless. Pia makes a friend in Lex.
The design of Pinochia is unique. She is not streamlined at all. It looks like she was put together with whatever was lying around. The art showcases lots of differently designed robots.
Where Pia now finds herself there is a Pitt. This Pitt is like an ancient Roman Collusiem. Here robots battle. Hachiman is the current Champion.
Pia ends up in the arena facing a foe. Pia does look like the underdog. She is confident as she stands in the arena.
The mission Pia is on is not explained at all. What is her purpose? Her character is wonderful. her personality makes her lovable.
The art does show Pia as a small android out in the world on her own. She looks like the underdog yet steps up and comes through when needed. Pia makes you believe she is almost human.

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