Title: Universal Monsters: Frankenstein # 1
Publisher: Image Comics
Writer/Artist/Cover: Michael Walsh
Variant Covers: Joshua Middleton, Francesco Francavilla, David Talaski, Christian Ward, Peter Smith, Pasquale Ferrera, Clayton Crain, Michael Gaydos, Matt Wilson, Sveta Shubina, Alessandro Micelli, Terry Wolfinger, Dan Quinta
Colorist: Toni-Marie Griffin
Letterer: Becca Carey
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.imagecomics.com
Comments: A couple of body thieves are at work in the graveyard. A young boy watching them follows them home.
The art has an old-style look to it which fits this story perfectly.
The young boy watches as Doctor Henry Frankenstein is working on his father’s body or at least part of it. The boy figures out what was done and he knows it is wrong. This boy loved his father and missed him. As he sees the monster he knows it is not his father. You not only see the fear in this boy but you will feel it as well.
This comic will take you back to when Doctor Frankenstein first created his monster. The atmosphere is dark and frightening.
This is a good introductory issue. You meet the main characters. Introducing the young boy is a nice touch to add something different to make this telling of the classic stand out on its own.