Title: Ultra Duck (HC)
Publisher: Arcana
Story and Color Art: Edgar Delgado
Art: Omar Lozano
Addition Art: Humberto Ramos
Lettering: Grupo Escomic & Graphikslava
Additional Color Art: Graphikslava
Ultra Duck Created by: Edgar Delgado
Price: $ 24.95 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: http://www.arcana.com
Comments: “Chapter 1: Growing Up”
The city is full of crime. The cops are lazy and crooked so UltraDuck steps in. He is illustrated as a tough heroic figure.
There is a kind of explanation about how Ultra Duck gets his abilities. But it does dwell more on the fact he and his girlfriend are separated now.
Carlos is shown for the first time in his new super-hero identity of UltraDuck. He is a powerful being now. So what do all super-heroes need? A supervillain of course, as we see it it is big and menacing. It is a huge rooster.
“Chapter 2: Power”
UltraDuck finds himself in one knockdown hard-hitting fight. The action is so intense you will not believe how hard two birds can hit.
UltraDuck finds himself immediately taking up the role of super-hero which he is.
The Clash a military weapon is impressively drawn. It is easy to see how deadly it is and will be against the two super-powered beings.
“Chapter 3: New World”
UltraDuck does have ulterior motives for being a super-hero. It is all about impressing a girl. Also, the main villain is Hyleena she is a ruthless businesswoman who created the tech that powers our super-hero and supervillain.
“Chapter 4: Superheroes”
UltraDuck and the big rooster get tested and they pass with blasts of energy.
UltraDuck has grown and matured as a hero. He has become a true hero. Horace Rooson the big powerful rooster well he grows as well. He is actually a pretty nice guy who just could not catch a break. Now he can make his own and maybe he will.
Two heroes in the making are shown. This world now has two defenders of the helpless.
The combining of funny animals and super-heroics is blended superbly here. UltraDuck is the Ultimate Hero!