Title: Twin Worlds # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Rami Al-Ashqar
Art by: Jethro Morales
Colors by: Bryan Magnaye
Letters by: Lucas Gattoni
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Here we see a world at war with alien invaders. It is a battle of Drakkara vs Portal-Men. Fighting men with no technology facing these invaders from beyond.
Vin Raja the Drakkara leader has lots of drama in his court.
Here humans from Earth are the villains. Their space ships are beautifully designed and the one certainly looks like a gun. Vin Raja is presented as not all the good of a person. He is a savior for his people’s freedom.
The entire comic book moves slowly and so does the story as it has very little action. The characters are lifeless. You know very little about them or their backstories.
There is a small war going on here and one side could easily end it or so it seems. This could be the start of an epic series depending on where it goes from here and with improvements to the story.