Title: Turok # 2
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Turok Written by: Chuck Wendig
Turok Art by: Alvaro Sarraseca
Doc Spektor Written by: Aubrey Sitterson
Doc Spektor Art by: Dylon Burnett
All Colors by: Triona Farrell
All Letters by: Taylor Esposito
Cover: Aaron Lopresti
Variant Cover: Alvaro Sarraseca & Triona Farrell
Price: $3.99
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: The Lost Valley is a prehistoric land which exists in all points of time simultaneously.
Turok’s mission/quest is revealed this issue we find out who the girl he is looking for is. Marak and Nettle have joined him.
Turok takes on a dinosaur with a bow and arrows. You would think it would be an uneven fight and it is. One has armor and one his a never give up attitude. It is very well illustrated.
Turok is a man driven he will not stop. Turok will go to any lengths to find his girl. A father’s love for his daughter has no limits. The story and facial expressions on Turok show his intentions clearly.
“Doctor Spektor Part 7” Doc Spektor is a magical guy for hire. Money talks to him. Doc Spektor is a total con man. This is no super-hero or guy out to help others. He is out to make a buck and that’s it. The art for the demons is decent but on Doc well he just looks a mess. He is meant to look that way but it does not make you want to know more about him. You just want him gone.
Turok gets a 4 rating, Doc Spektor gets a 2 so it averages out at 3.