RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 4

Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 4
Publisher: Alivebook
Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Prime Minster Trudeau now he is illustrated lifelike.
The American’s are on a mission but some details as to what it is would be great to learn.
Wow, the group is now up to five and what they do in Canada for traveling is amazing. It would never happen in real life but it is amazing and a little strange to see.
The snowflake art is cool. The traveling moose are funny to watch. The way Canada is portrayed is a joke but done in a way to be both funny and not insulting if you can take a joke which Canadians can. There are some changes to Canadian society here.
Trump and company are going to Russia. It took a while to reveal that.
Now our group stops at the North Pole on their way to Russia. Trump gets to meet a Canadian myth. The ending well some are left open and others Trump does get a well-deserved fate.
The fate of America still is up for grabs.
The questions you have to choose from some of them are repetitive.
The characters used and those they interact with are beautifully done.

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