Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 3
Publisher: Alivebook
Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: mikegagnon.ca
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJBz9_BBbj0&feature=youtu.be
Comments: Former U.S. Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama along with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary does come packing. Hillary is not used much yet she is the only one that comes across as sane. What is Barack’s mission for these people? How does he plan to save America? Other than just wondering around it.
The music box music is unexpected.
The backgrounds are very realistic.
It would be so nice if you did not have to go through the whole comic to get to a point where you want to try going a different way.
This issue features Donald and the creature he faces for a few seconds. The creature is actually slightly scary.
The Canadian border is the final destination here. What will they do there?