RICH REVIEWS: Trumpocalypse Now # 2

Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 2
Publisher: Alivebook
Story & Art by Mike Gagnon
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Former U.S. Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama continue on their journey. These are two of the most unlikely people you would expect to ever see teamed up. It looks like they are getting another member Hillary Clinton.
Depending on which option you choose the story can end sooner rather than later. It is easy to tell which option will continue the story.
Next, why not add one more to their party to save America. Not much is said about the zombies that were created when America was nuked. You rarely see them too.
It would be nice to have a way to return to the point you left the story and be able to try another path without starting over from the very beginning. If you pick the wrong way the story just ends with no reason. What happens here in # 2 for the entire issue when you reach the end there really is no end. They are in a restaurant called the Landing Strip and it just ends there is mid-story.
The music is great and matches up with what is going on. The characters are well illustrated. Trump is illustrated as a fool like he is in real life. Which is wonderful to see.

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