Title: Trumpocalypse Now # 1
Publisher: Alivebook
Story & Art by: Mike Gagnon
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: mikegagnon.ca
Comments: 2023 someone has attacked America and will again. Who will save us?
The sound effects such as for the rain and wind are realistic. The book gives you choices so you get to decide how the story progresses. The background visuals are stunning. Trump is illustrated like Trump, Barack is shown as a younger version of himself. The weapons look realistic.
Donald Trump and Barack Obama meet up. America is overrun with zombies and only Donald can save us all. Donald is portrayed as such a sleaze bag. Why does Barack need Trump?
This is a comic book, movie, video game all combined into one where you control how it goes.
The adventure is off to a good start here. Can two former Presidents fight off zombies and save America?