RICH REVIEWS: Toxic Avenger # 4

Title: Toxic Avenger # 4
Publisher: Comics Ahoy
Writers: Matt Bors, Carol Lay, Kek-W
Artists: Fred Harper, Carol Lay, Alberto Ponticelli
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Letterer: Rob Steen
Covers: Fred Harper, Matt Bors, J. Gonzo
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: It’s day six of the quarantine. The ToxicAvengerr is in a battle. It’s toxic monsters vs humans vs aliens. It’ss Bryce aka Bonehead vs Melvin aka Toxic Avenger. These two are going at it hard. The Bone Cruncher needs to be illustrated better tactuallyal show it landing on target. A lot is going on and a lot of characters making it hard to follow everything and know who everyone is.
Melvin and the Major it looks like they are teaming up. The Major was also mutated like Melvin just in a different way. He is connected to plants.
Mr. K is revealed for who he is and it’s not much of a surprise. The art looks amazing showing us this scene. Toxie is illustrated to show off his muscles and his mutation. His personality shows he has a good heart.
“Yelp” This is a one-page written story. A dentist is worrying about a bad review. He is so worried it will destroy his life. One thing leads to another and well problem gets solved.
“Potato Chip Rick’s Comic Book Picks” This is a one-page written story. This story pokes fun at comic book companies and the comics they make. If the things mentioned here were real the industry would cease to exist.

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