Title: Top Gear Season 30, Episode 4
Broadcast by: BBC America:
Produced by: Nicholas Krupa and Dave Morgan
Hosted by: Chris Harris, Freddie Flintoff, and Paddy McGuinness
Air Date: May 16 at 8pm ET/7c
Run Time: 48 min, 26 sec
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This is the last show of the season. This episode is about Mid Life Crisis cars.
The British accents sound great. Chris Harris, Freddie Flintoff, and Paddy McGuinness all have wonderful personalities.
A blue TVR Kymriah sports car looks gorgeous it is sleek. Its comparison to the red car a Vauxhall Monaro does not look as impressive. A yellow F355 GTS Ferrari is the third car featured.
These three guys have fun driving and showing off their cars. They do compete against each other too. This show is so much about enjoying driving different cars.
The second competition does make things uncomfortable for the drivers. It is a fun challenge.
They get to ride a few motorcycles too.
The third challenge involves swimming, biking, and driving. It is a fun and messy race. One of them does win.
There is a nice chemistry between the three hosts of the show.