Title: Tomboy # 8
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Story and Letters by: Mia Goodwin
Art & Colors by: Michelle Wong
Cover by: Mia Goodwin
Variant Cover by: Jessica & Jacinta Wibowo
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This book contains violence, blood, murder, madness, and monsters!
The talking with the police do and about their suspect is hard to follow. They do not explain enough about what they are saying.
The Detective trying to solve the murders is a tough little woman who has a likable personality in that she is persistent.
Addison does not seem like a killer. She does though have some seriously strange things happening around her. What she does to the one man here is sick.
This issue needed more focus on Addison. Other than her one kill the issue was lacking at keeping your interest.
Addison ready to go for the kill is a sight to see. She does appear as more than human.