Title: They Fell From The Sky # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Liezl Buenaventura
Artist/Cover: Xavier Tarrega
Colorist: DJ Chavis
Letterer: Gil
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: madcavestudios.com/
Comments: Tommy wants to meet an alien. He and his friends are sci-fi nerds. Tommy’s sister she acts mean yet she does still have a heart of gold. She though does have an attitude problem a huge one. She has big plans yet no idea how she is going to achieve them just that she is.
Tommy is a nice boy just trying to enjoy his childhood and he has the normal problems of a young boy. Problems with a bully, with his family and not fitting in. All your normal stuff.
Now Tommy one night sights a UFO. One thing leads to another and he starts out on one cool adventure that may just be full of danger.
The art fits the story in this all ages adventure. It has a almost cartoon quality to it.
Tommy has just started the adventure of a life time and it is his dream come true. Will his dream though lead to peril for himself and his friends.
This comic does deliver mystery and maybe deadly terror.