Title: The World of Tomorrow # 1
Publisher: Uncharted Wilderness Studios
Writer: Giles Clarke
Pencils/Inks: Kenan Halilović
Colorist: Filipe Obando
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.unchartedwildernessstudios.com/ , www.facebook.com/unchartedwildernessstudios/
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.unchartedwildernessstudios.com/ , www.facebook.com/unchartedwildernessstudios/
Comments: Beautiful retro art starts us off with a gorgeous illustration of outer space and a spaceship blasting through the heavens.
The coloring is subdued. It really looks nice though.
The Maldivian Space Pirates have taken over the Acropolis starship. The retro style looks very cool and the characters fit into the role. The Captain and crew make it all work.
This comic is about Craig Barstow an actor who played a Captain in a sci-fi show. He will elicit your pity. He is the kind of guy who does not see the bus coming until it has run over him. Life here really starts to suck big time for this former big-time actor.
The art throughout the comic after the retro art at the start is well done and brings across the characters personalities.
How Craig has fallen. His life is just getting worse and worse. As you read about Craig you see just how bad off he is. His life really sucks big time.
You keep reading this comic just hoping for Craig. He is so down and out that you just want to see something good happen for him. The story really does draw you in and hook you.