RICH REVIEWS: The Untamed: Killing Floor # 1

Untamed V2 #1 CoverTitle: The Untamed: Killing Floor # 1
Publisher: Stranger Comics
Writer: Sebastian A. Jones
Artist: Peter Bergting
Layouts: Darrell May
Cover A: Peter Bergting
Covers B & D: Jae Lee
Cover C: Hyoung Taek Nam
Based on the world of Asunda created by: Sebastian A. Jones
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Comments: There are characters present but who are they and what are they about? Why should we care? These questions need to be answred. The write up in the preface before the comic starts explains some.
A stranger and Niobe are traveling together, they are looking for his family. The story needed to be fleshed out more. We needed the story as it progressed to inform as well. The more you know about the characters the more you will care about them.
The art is subdued. The faces are not illustrated well.
The pin-up ending this issue is gorgeous, Niobe looks stunning.

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