Title: The Storyteller: Giant # 4
Publisher: Archaia
Story & Art by: Feifei Ruan
Cover by: Feifei Ruan
Spot Illustration by: Sonny Liew
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archaia.com
Comments: The art is done in an old style using two colors only. It has a unique look to it that is beautiful.
We are shown a fisherman catching fish when something strange happens. The fish need his help and being a kind and caring man he does just that.
A Giant King has taken over a kingdom. It is such a sad tale. One filled with woe. You will feel pity for this Giant King but also for those he takes out his frustrations on.
The fisherman is a brave soul and acts as he sees best to protect others.
The story and art both work so well together and flow smoothly.