Title: The Storyteller: Giant # 3
Publisher: Archaia
Story & Art by: Jared Cullen
Lettering by: Warren Montgomery
Cover by: Jared Cullen
Spot Illustration by: Sonny Liew
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archaia.com
Comments: The Fomoire are tall, strong giants. They destroyed a village and a family. A sister and brother manage to stay together. They are joined by Puka a mysterious spirit in the form of a black fox.
The art is done in soft colors with striking lines. It is done in a childish style.
Story is not all that scary so readers of all ages could enjoy this.
Pru the sister is brave beyond words she faces a giant with a sling shot to protect her brother. The story focuses not on the giant but on family.
It is great the way the narrator and his dog are tried into the story and how it ends. It is always great to have a friend by a warm fire.