Title: The Storyteller: Giant # 1
Publisher: Archaia
Story & Art by: Conor Nolan
Letters by: Warren Montgomery
Cover by: Conor Nolan
Variant Cover by: Karl Kerschl
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archaia.com
Comments: A couple find a child inside of a peach and they take him as their own to raise. The child does grow and grow.
The boy giant has a good heart and when others need help he is there for them. The giant does get an adventure to go on and along the way picks up a few new friends. These friends are a various group of animals that will not be expected.
Here the giant is a friendly one. The boy giant helps out some people in need and makes some new friends along the way. He may be tall but he is not scary.
The art has a rough look to it which suits the time period of the story.
The narrator of this tale and his talking dog do add a nice touch to the overall presentation.