Title: The Shadow/Batman # 1
Publisher: Dynamite/DC
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Giovanni Timpano
Colorist: Flavio Dispenza
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Cover by: David Finch
Variant Covers by: Ethan Van Sciver, Alex Ross, Dustin Nguyen, Brandon Peterson, Bill Sienkiewicz, Howard Porter and Hi-Fi
Batman Created by: Bob Kane with Bill Finger
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.dynamite.com , www.dccomics.com
Comments: Batman is shown as a big muscled guy going into action against Pyg. Robin is with him and the two do see plenty of action against Pyg and his Dollotron’s.
Batman does look imposing when he enters but the Shadow is frightening. The Shadow pays the Pyg a visit and it is the Shadow who doesn’t know.
Batman in his Batcave is a brooding sight. He is drawn dark and melodramatic.
Batman and his son Robin have a strained relationship. Batman wants to be overly protective and Robin wants to be free to do as he pleases and take whatever risks he wants to.
This is a good opening issue to introduce the characters and set up for the Shadow and Batman to team-up against the Silent Seven.