Title: The Secrets of Chocolate: A gourmand’s trip through a top chef’s atelier (HC)
Publisher: NBM
Author/Artist: Frankie Alarcon
Price: $ 19.99 US (HC), $ 13.99 US (digital)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.nbmpub.com
Comments: The author here follows Jacques Genin, a chocolate chef, a enrober around for a year learning from him about using chocolate.
The art beautifully captures each scene. The chocolate looks so yummy. Frankie is shown enjoying each chocolate treat. He has such a wonderful job. Frankie is the author and artist as well as the main character in this book. He loves chocolate as do most people.
Frankie learns how to properly use a pastry bag. It is complicated. Here though it is explained in easy to follow steps.
You will learn so much about Jacques Genin and why and how he got into using chocolate. It is presented in an easy to follow way in both writing and art. So many types of desserts are explained how they are made and you will get hungry thinking about each one.
Frankie and his girlfriend Marilyne visit Stéphane Bonnat’s shop where he makes chocolate. He is a Chocolatier. Frankie and Stéphane take a trip to Peru where he gets cocoa beans.
Frankie and the readers learn so much in this entertaining look at chocolate.