Title: The Rift # 2
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Created and Written by: Don Handfield & Richard Rayner
Artist: Leno Carvalho
Colorist: Rodrigo Fernandes
Letterer: DC Hopkins
Cover Artist: Nicholas Ely
Price: $ 3.95 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.red5comics.com
Comments: Lieutenant Cole is a man out of time and the government wants to put him back.
The danger here is extreme. This pilot and his plane could cause a major disaster. We see the bravery of Lieutenant Cole. Cole with his wife is presented in such a loving scene. Beautiful art showcases their love.
This issue leaves you with questions. The answers well you will be coming back for them.
The characters are all interesting and all have things about them that will keep you riveted to the page. Great story and art are here.
This is a sci-fi, action, thriller that will leave you wanting more.