Title: The Mummy: Palimpsest # 5
Publisher: Hammer Comics/Titan Comics
Written by: Peter Milligan
Art by: Ronilson Freire
Colors by: Ming Sen
Lettering by: Simon Bowland
Cover: John Mcrea
Variant Covers: Tom Mandrake, Ronilson Freire
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.titan-comics.com
Comments: Everyone is after Angel. The Sect of Anubis, the Pyramid Club, Kharis, Ammit and Priestess Nabatah all want her. Angel and Nabatah start working together. Working together they are powerful and can use magic. Ancient magic that is strong. The dead walk again. The art here on these ancient bodies rising is a horrific sight.
Ammit is one frightening monster dog from Hell. This monstrous creature will give you nightmares.
The way the comic ends and this series leaves you hanging, wondering what is next?
Angel and Natabah are now together and they have a mission but who will they fight next? Kharas?