RICH REVIEWS: The Mammoth # 1

Title: The Mammoth # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Paul Tobin
Artist: Arjuna Susini
Colorist: Pippi Bowland
Letterer: Charles Pritchett
Cover Artist: Arjuna Susini
Variant Cover Artists: Kevin Wada, Jessica Fong
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Olivia Boucq along with Mason Bryke, Jess Waynelle, and Kokoro were studying an area of land when the event happened. Now in this area, there is a legend of a Cloud that Walks.
The art is vague. Well, the one woman in the forest up close is a scary sight. She is well-drawn.
The three researchers do go back to where the event happened. Something very weird happens as they see and hear people there. Afterwards, they have a night out remembering Olivia and all she meant to them.
Then something really strange happens. Where will all this lead?
The part about the Cloud that Walks is not used at all in this issue. The supernatural aspects are not explained at all. What is going on is still a total mystery. A clue as to what is going on would have been nice.
The Sherrif we see comes across as a boring character.
The collapse of the house is nicely illustrated. It is done in a couple of panels and is the highlight of the issue.

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