Title: The Loud House: Winter Special
Publisher: Papercutz
Writers: Kacey Huang, Kristen G. Smith, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien, Caitlin Fein, Julia Rathenbuhler-Garcia, Jair Holguin, Derek Fridolfs
Artists: Kelsey Wooley, Zaro Aguiar, Erin Hunting, Ron Bradley, Daniela Rodriguez, Way Singleton, Tyler Koberstein, George Holguin, Angela Zhang
Colorists: Kelsey Wooley, Zaro Aguiar, Erin Hunting, Ron Bradley, Daniela Rodriguez, Way Singleton, Tyler Koberstein, George Holguin, Maaike Scherff
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Cover Artist: Zazo Aguiar
Price: $ 7.99 US, $ 10.50 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: The Loud family children all made Christmas ornament down through the years. They had fun and continue to have fun at Christmas and spending time together.
A couple of the girls get to try some hot chocolate. Two different styles. It looks good and tasty.
A puppet show turns into something really fishy. Than it is off sleigh riding which is so much fun unless your scared to death of it. The art is so cute for all the children playing.
Lily does have one exciting dream for a baby. She is shown in action with lots of excitement. Charles the family dog gets in on the fun in the snow.
Geo the family hamster goes house hunting yet finds there is no place like home. Geo is thrilled to return home.
Barnyard animals need to keep warm to and they do here. Baking is so much fun and eating is to.
Lincoln has some trouble but with help from his friends things work out. They do come up with some interesting ways to help.
Fashion can be fun for the Loud children as they have their unique way of dressing for fun.
Cats do enjoy Christmas just as much as anyone else.
Operation Christmas was a success leading to a failure. Fangs has a nice dream which makes for a great Christmas present.
The Loud family do certainly enjoy their Christmas.