Title: The Loud House: The Missing Linc
Publisher: Papercutz
Writers: Caitlin Fein, Kevin Cannarile, Kacey Huang-Wooley, Paloma Uribe, Derek Fridolfs, Kieran Sjursen-Lien, Jair Holguin, Amanda Fein
Artists: Amanda Tran, DK Terrell, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien, Erin Hyde, Marc Stone, Joel Zamudio, Ron Bradley, Angela Zhang, Amanda Lioi, Jessica Gallaher, Lex Hobson
Colorists: Amanda Tran, DK Terrill, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien, Erin Hyde, Erin Rodriguez, Joel Zamudio, Ron Bradley, Lex Hobson
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Cover Artist: Erin Hyde
Price: $ 7.99 US, $ 10.50 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: No one can find Lincoln. All his sisters are so worried about him. They all love him.
Lisa attends a meeting of Lucy’s and she takes over. The two have totally different interests yet Lisa does find a way to fit in without even really trying.
Carlitos has fun at the mall. The ones he decides to play with do not have much fun at all.
Lincoln and Clyde compete to see who is the biggest Ace Savuy and One-Eyed Jack fan. These two friends do find out who is.
Lincoln and his sisters do know how to have fun. They do have so many adventures.
The art is wonderfully done. It has a fun entertaining side that will make you feel good.
You even get to learn how to talk to a Mime.
The Loud Family does have some pets and they do provide fun and excitement for the family.
These kids know how to enjoy life.