Title: The Legendary Lyxn (GN)
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Harvey Stern(Ghost Writer Carmen Valdez), Alex Segura
Artist: Doug Detmer, Sandy Jarrell
Colorist: Grey Allison
Letterer: Todd Morelli, Jack Morelli
Price: $ 17.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: The Lynx is shown gracefully on the hunt in the night. The story is serious as she is looking for Simon Upton. She finds out Mr. Void has him. Mr. Vois is a criminal and a killer.
Lynx battles Diesel it is a well-choreographed battle. It’s strength vs agility.
Lynx’s looking around brings her face to face with Mr. Void, an evil-looking being who has a small army of Voidoids. Mr. Void looks a lot like a demon, yet his origins are a mystery, and whether he is human is not yet revealed.
The art does deliver a dark story, and the characters are also dark ones, even the Lynx, who operates at night.
Apparition is another hero and she needs Lynx’s help. These two are friends just not great ones. Apparition helped Lynx in the past and now wants that debt repaid. These two do have an uneasy working alliance.
Frost is back after Apparition with his gang of well-dressed blonde women. Lynx is losing confidence in herself.
The origin of the Lynx has her suffering a great personal loss. She and Apparition have become close friends over the years. Lynx does get around thanks to Apparition. Now she has a meeting with the Scarlet Snake.
Lynx is making headway on her rescue mission of Simon Upton. Things never go entirely as planned. Lynx does get into one final all-out battle with Mr. Void. Meanwhile, Mindbender is still at large. What does this mean for the Lynx?
The Lynx is a tough superheroine fighting crime on the streets and here she takes on Mr. Void a demonic force of evil. This is a 1970s superhero action at its best.