Title: The Knight # 1
Publisher: Visionary Comics
Writer/Creator: C. Edward Sellner
Artist: Mario Torrisi
Colotist: Paul Litt;le
Letterer: Jacob Bascle
Cover Artists: Mario Torrisi, Paul Little
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.visionarycomics.com
Comments: A group of gangsters are planning to deal with other gangsters. Other than they all operate in the same city we learn very little about them. We see how crime affects people, children, families, and the criminals themselves.
Two police officers are on a murder case. Several murders have occurred.
Carron is a killer and he has a mean attitude and look. He is drawn with sharp pointed teeth. He is an albino too. So he looks like a vampire or a demon but is just a really bad man. The things he has done are downright evil.
A gang war has started.
A man has come to town as a secret agent. He is much more though.
The Knight does look great in action at the start but he is not seen enough. Seeing him him action does make you ask a few questions that will have you wondering about him.
The story does introduce the setting well and sets up for more crime-filled scenes and action ones. The characters are introduced so you’re all ready to go, accept your left wanting to know more about The Knight.