Title: The Hidden Loch (GN)
Publisher: Penny-Farthing Productions, Inc.
Created and Written by: Marlaine Maddux White
Pencils and Cover by: Claude St. Aubin
Inks: James Taylor
Colors: Mike Garcia
Editor: Jamie Luu Murphy
Conceptual Designer: Aaron Blaise
Additional Scripter: Brian Nissen
Price: Softcover – $12.95 US, Hardcover – $14.95 US
Pages: 156
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.pfproductions.com
Comments: The visuals are stunning, the underwater life is just teaming with fish and other creatures. The colours are so vibrant.
The individual characters each have a distinct personality. There is a whole society that lives underwater in the Loch and the Paddle Giants are its leaders.
Nessandra is our star character and a Paddle Giant yet still a child.
As one Paddle Giant surfaces to view the top world and tragedy strikes hard and fast.
Four years later the Institute of Cryptozoology, Scotland is operating.
Now things really get exciting as the underwater dwellers encounter the drywalkers.
Nessandra, Krakey, Zapp and Allura are on an adventure to save their people. They do face danger. A cave of spikes is not something you want to encounter. It is drawn as one menacing place.
The positive attitudes of the main characters will draw you in and have you rooting for them.
Mer Madre is beautifully illustrated underwater and so full of sea life. Champ joins the team. He is also a paddle giant like Nessandra.
Allura and Nessandra are like two sisters and they share much of their lives together. You do get to see their bond grow.
Seeing Allura’s people and having her reunited with them and her family is so heartwarming. The Emperians are a race of mer-people.
The mind speaking word bubbles are done so coolly. The purple really makes it stand out.
When enemies attack friends stand together. Even when enemies are in trouble the friends do the right thing. It’s not about revenge it’s about helping and doing what’s right.
So many emotions are within these pages. You will shed a tear in happiness. These creatures are definitely not monsters. The Loch does not contain any monsters but it does have lots and lots of good friends. This is a feel good story that is all ages.
“The Hidden Loch will be available for purchase August 2017, and is available for pre-order now on Amazon and their website.”
Softcover – 978-0-9991709-0-8
Hardcover – 978-0-9991709-1-5