Title: The Ghoul Agency # 4
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Writer: Gene Selassie
Artist/Cover: Orlando Baez
Colors by: Sam Nang
Letters by: Micah Myers
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This issue starts out with several pages with dialogue that do not seem to tie into the comic storyline at all. It is song lyrics but still why have them here.
The staff at Ghul Agency are working together to get back an account they lost. Things have been going on around this agency. The story does start to focus a little here.
The art could use more detail in the backgrounds.
The staff is also looking for a spy in their midst. Shay is drawn nice yet not shown enough. All the characters are drawn with wonderful facial expressions.
Shay and Sandy the two best advertising people at the Ghul Agency working together come up with a breakthrough idea and way to help their agency.
Shay does grow over the series and believes in herself more. Shay is one individual you will like.