Title: The Ghost, The Owl (HC)
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Franco
Illustrated by: Sara Richard
Lettered by: Marshall Dillon
Created by: Franco and Sara Richard
Price: $ $9.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: The soft subdued colors are so gorgeously captivating. The animals are beautifully illustrated, they almost seem to be looking right at you.
The animals see a ghost girl and the owl decides to help her.
You have just got to see all the animals here: frogs, snakes, Tadpoles, turtles and more. These creatures are wonderfully illustrated.
The Owl is one who helps others it is his personality. Now, one girl, Jessica is in trouble and the Owl wants to help. The Ghost wants to know how she and Jessica are connected. Meanwhile, there is an evil man around.
Each time you have a grouping of animals on a page it will take your breath away looking at this gorgeous art.
This is such an uplifting story of a Ghost and an Owl who become friends. This book is about so much more too.
The art alone is worth getting this book to treat your eyes.
This wondrous adventure will hook you with its haunting story and art.